Блог Федора Сарафанова

Исходники иллюстрации


\documentclass[tikz]{standalone}\input{pre.tex}\begin{document}\begin{tikzpicture}[x={(0.866cm,-0.5cm)}, y={(0.866cm,0.5cm)}, z={(0cm,1cm)}, scale=1.0,
    %Option for nice arrows
    >=stealth, %
    inner sep=0pt, outer sep=2pt,%
    axis/.style={thick,->, dashed},
    polaroid/.style={fill=black!60!white, opacity=0.3},
    % Colors

    % Frame
    \coordinate (O) at (0, 0, 0);
    % \draw[axis] (O) -- +(0,  2.5, 0) node [right] {+y};
    % \draw[axis] (O) -- +(0,  0,   2) node [above] {+z};

    \begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x = -6,
                  every node/.append style ={}]
        \draw [fill=white] (0,0) circle (0.3cm);
        \draw [fill==black!50] (0,0) circle (0.15cm);

    \foreach \x in{-6,-5.99,...,-3.14}{
     \begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x = \x,
                  every node/.append style ={}]
        \draw [magenta!80!black] (0,0) circle (0.3cm);
        \draw [fill=white] (0,0) circle (0.15cm);
    \begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x = -3.14,
                  every node/.append style ={}]
        \draw [fill=white] (0,0) circle (0.3cm);
        \draw [fill=black!50] (0,0) circle (0.15cm);

    \draw[draw=none] (-7,0,-1) -- (-3,0,-1) node [above, sloped, midway]{Лазер};     

    \draw[draw=none] (-4,0,-1) -- (3,0,-1) node [above, sloped, midway]{Поляризатор};

    \draw[thick,dashed] (-3.14,0,0) -- (O);

    \draw[draw=none] (0,0,-1.5) -- (5.5,0,-1.5) node [above, sloped, midway]{Вращатель Фарадея};
    % monochromatic incident light with electric field

    \draw[wave=magenta, opacity=0.7, variable=\x, samples at={-3.14,-3.13,...,0}]
        plot (\x, { cos(1.0*\x r)*sin(2.0*\x r)}, { sin(1.0*\x r)*sin(2.0*\x r)})
        plot (\x, {-cos(1.0*\x r)*sin(2.0*\x r)}, {-sin(1.0*\x r)*sin(2.0*\x r)});

    \foreach \x in{-3.14,-3,...,0}{
        \draw[color=magenta, opacity=0.7,->]
            (\x,0,0) -- (\x, { cos(1.0*\x r)*sin(2.0*\x r)}, { sin(1.0*\x r)*sin(2.0*\x r)});
        \draw[color=magenta, opacity=0.7,->]
            (\x,0,0) -- (\x, {-cos(1.0*\x r)*sin(2.0*\x r)}, {-sin(1.0*\x r)*sin(2.0*\x r)});

    \foreach \x in{-0.1,-0.099,...,0}{
     \begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x = \x,
                  every node/.append style ={}]
        \draw [black] (0,0) circle (0.3cm);
        \draw [fill=white] (0,0) circle (0.15cm);
    \begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x = 0,
                  every node/.append style ={}]
        \draw [fill=magenta!20] (0,0) circle (0.3cm);
        % \draw [fill=black!50] (0,0) circle (0.15cm);

    % \draw[thick,<->] (0,-1.75,-1) -- (0,-0.75,-1);

    % Electric field vectors

    \draw[axis] (O) -- +(\posp, 0,   0);% node [right] {+x};

    \draw[wave=magenta, variable=\x,samples at={0,0.01,...,\pos}]
        plot (\x,{sin(2*\x r)},0)node[anchor=north]{$\vec{E}$};


    %Polarized light between polaroid and thin section
    \foreach \x in{0.25, 0.5,...,3.1415}
        \draw[color=magenta,->] (\x,0,0) -- (\x,{sin(2*\x r)},0);

    \begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x = \pos,
                  every node/.append style ={}]
        \draw [fill=white] (0,0) circle (0.5cm);
        \draw [fill==black!50] (0,0) circle (0.25cm);

    \foreach \x in{\pos,3.1515,...,\posp}{
     \begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x = \x,
                  every node/.append style ={}]
        \draw [fill=white, color=black!50] (0,0) circle (0.5cm);
        \draw [fill=white, color=black!50] (0,0) circle (0.25cm);
    \begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x = \posp,
                  every node/.append style ={}]
        \draw [black, fill=black] (0,0) circle (0.5cm);
        \draw [fill=white, color=black!20!white] (0,0) circle (0.5cm);
        \draw [fill=black!60] (0,0) circle (0.25cm);

    \draw[thick, dashed] (\posp-0.17, 0,   0) -- (\posp+3,0,0);% node [right] {+x};

    \foreach \x in{\pospB,\pospb,...,\posd}
        \draw[color=magenta,->] (\x,0,0) -- (\x,{sin(2*(\x-\posp) r)*cos(45)},{sin(2*(\x-\posp) r)});     

    \draw[wave=magenta, variable=\x,samples at={\posp,\pospp,...,\posd}]
        plot (\x,{sin(2*(\x-\posp) r)*cos(45)},{sin(2*(\x-\posp) r)});%node[anchor=north]{$\vec{E}$};  

    \draw[magenta] (6.5,0,2) node[anchor=north]{$\vec{E}$};              

%     \foreach \x in{7.1530,7.1630,...,7.2530}{
%      \begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x = \x,
%                   every node/.append style ={}]
%         \draw [black] (0,0) circle (0.3cm);
%         \draw [fill=white] (0,0) circle (0.15cm);
%     \end{scope}        
%     }
%     \begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x = 7.2530,
%                   every node/.append style ={}]
%         \draw [fill=magenta!20] (0,0) circle (0.3cm);
%         % \draw [fill=black!50] (0,0) circle (0.15cm);
%     \end{scope}        

%     \draw[wave=magenta, variable=\x,samples at={7.2530,7.2630,...,10.4}]
%         plot (\x,{sin(2*(\x-7.2530) r)/2},0);


%     %Polarized light between polaroid and thin section
%     \foreach \x in{7.4530,7.75,...,10.4}
%         \draw[color=magenta,->] (\x,0,0) -- (\x,{sin(2*(\x-7.2530) r)/2},0);    

%     \draw[axis] (7.4530, 0,   0) -- ++ (5,0,0) node [right] {+x};        

%     \foreach \x in{10.4,10.41,...,11}{
%      \begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x = \x,
%                   every node/.append style ={}]
%         \draw [fill=white] (0,0) circle (0.5cm);
%     \end{scope}        
%     }
%     \begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x = 11,
%                   every node/.append style ={}]
%         \draw [fill=black!50] (0,0) circle (0.5cm);
%     \end{scope}       
% % 
    % \draw (3,1,1) node [text width=2.5cm, text centered]{Поляризованный свет};    

    % \draw (10,1,1) node [text width=2.5cm, text centered] {Поляризованный и повернутый свет};

