Блог Федора Сарафанова

Исходники иллюстрации


        \draw[axis] (4,-2) -- (6,-2);
        \draw[axis] (4,3) -- (6,3);
        \draw[axis] (0,0) -- (6,0);
        \draw[axis] (0,5) -- (6,5);
        \draw[pattern=north east lines, pattern color=magenta!60] (3,5) ellipse (1cm and 0.4cm);


        \draw[pattern=north east lines, pattern color=magenta!60] (3,0) ellipse (1cm and 0.4cm);

        \draw[pattern=north east lines, pattern color=magenta!20, draw=magenta!30] (3,3) ellipse (1cm and 0.4cm);

        \draw[pattern=north east lines, pattern color=magenta!20, draw=magenta!30] (3,-2) ellipse (1cm and 0.4cm);

        \draw[magenta] (2,5) -- (2,0);
        \draw[magenta] (4,5) -- (4,0);

        \draw[magenta!30] (2,0) -- (2,-2);
        \draw[magenta!30] (4,0) -- (4,-2);

        \draw[interface] (-1,-4) rectangle ++(7,-0.25);
        \draw[thick] (-1,-4) -- (6,-4);

        \draw[<->] (1,-4) -- node[left]{$h_2$} (1,0);
        \draw[<->] (0,-4) -- node[left]{$h_2$} (0,5);

        \draw[<->] (6,-2) -- node[right]{$\Delta l_2$} (6,0);
        \draw[<->] (6,3) -- node[right]{$\Delta l_1$} (6,5);

        \draw[acceleration,->] (-2,1) -- node[left]{$\vec{g}$} ++(0,-1);

        \node at (7,5) [shape=circle,draw] {1};
        \node at (7,0) [shape=circle,draw] {1};

        \node at (7,3) [shape=circle,draw] {2};
        \node at (7,-2) [shape=circle,draw] {2};

        \node at (6,-4) [right] {$W_\text{п}=0$};

        \node  at (3,0) {\contour{white}{$S_2$}};
        \node  at (3,5) {\contour{white}{$S_1$}};

        \draw[force,->] (3,6) node[above]{$\vec{F}_{g1}$} -- (3,5.25);
        \draw[force,->] (3,-0.7) node[below]{$\vec{F}_{g2}$} -- (3,-.25);

        \draw[->, axis] (-1,4) node[left,black] {$\Delta m_1$} -- ++(3.5,0);
        \draw[->, axis] (-1,-1) node[left,black] {$\Delta m_2$} -- ++(3.5,0);